23 August 2011

Kanji Lesson 6

(カ, ケ, はな)

Consist of grass/plant radical ()  and change (化). Flowering is a sign that a plant has changed from a vegetative state to a reproductive state. Notice that the grass radical consist of two 十 glued together.

  • 花見 (はなみ) Flower viewing in Japan (watching the cherry blossom blooms)

(キュウ, やす.み、やす.み)
Rest, Day off
Consist of person radical and tree (木). In areas where nature is still preserved, such as woods and forests, people take a rest by sitting under and leaning against a tree.
  • 休日 (きゅうじつ) Holiday/Day off; Hari libur/Cuti

(チョウ, あさ)
Consist of a moon (月) and a sun (日) between an upper and lower plant (十). Remember that 十 is a part of the grass/plant radical. The upper 十 represents the tree, the lower one represents the grass. Morning is the time where the sun is still close to the horizon, which can be seen above the grass but still under the trees, and the moon is barely visible. As a matter of fact, in certain times the moon is quite visible in the morning.
  • 朝日 (あさひ) Morning Sun

Character, Letter
Consist of child (子) and roof radical (宀) to represent a house/home. "Children at home" refers to children during their preschool years, where their learning activity is done at home with the help of their parents. They learn to recognize and write simple letters and numbers through games and activities that stimulate their interest. Nowadays in Japan, most of the children entering the 1st grade elementary school are already able to read & write Kana.

Study, Learning
Consist of child (子) and enhanced / ornamented roof to represent the roof of a temple. In ancient china, before the eminence of schools, most educational activities are carried out in temples, a place where children study beyond the letters they've learned at home (字). In later times when schools are already built, especially around the 6th century, most schools have a temple nearby that's built as a tribute to Confucius, a great chinese philosopher.
  • 大学 (だいがく) College/University
  • 化学 (かがく) Chemistry
  • 入学 (にゅうがく) Entry to school / university
  • 見学 (けんがく) Inspection / Study by observation / Field trip

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